9 Pain Pill Mistakes Prescription or over-the-counter, pain pill mistakes common
It's been a hard day, and Joe's back is killing him. His wife has some Percocet left over from a trip to the dentist, and there's that big bottle of Tylenol under the sink, so Joe grabs a couple of each and washes them down with a slug of beer. Luckily for Joe, he's a fictional character invented for this article. But there are a lot of real-life Joes out there making big mistakes with over-the-counter and prescription pain pills. Can you spot Joe's mistakes? Joe didn't make every mistake in the book. But he made quite a few.
Here's WebMD's list of common pain pill mistakes, compiled with the help of pharmacist Kristen A. Binaso, spokeswoman for the American Pharmacists Association; and pain specialist Eric R. Haynes, MD, founder of Comprehensive Pain Management Partners in Trinity, FL.
Pain Medications Mistake No.1: If 1 Is Good, 2 Must Be Better To Read More, please click this link:
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